Consultation Part I: The Client Journey

What is a consultation? Actually, I prefer to call it a treatment because, to me, it is an essential treatment that is performed in a clinic. It is a conversation between two people: the client wants to change their skin and their life, and the professional person investigates and delivers information.
You cannot treat the skin without a comprehensive skin assessment. It is the pathway to your treatment plans and the path to the actives they need to use at home on their skin.
Skin constantly changes throughout the decades. How the skin looks and responds to the external and internal environment in the adolescent years will be completely different in the 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond. Skin therapists must understand the decades’ of changes in the body and the skin.
Because of this, reviewing your client’s consultations annually is an essential part of taking care of their skin.
Believe it or not, most people spend money quickly when it comes to their skin, and so many are left with broken promises that lead to a lot of mistrust and confusion about what is correct and what is not.
Most people will wander into the easiest and most obvious place, the department store beauty counter, or jump online and self-diagnose.
Quite often, they either walk or click away, disillusioned with the whole experience, or worse, they decide to purchase any hesitancy.
Ready to start your new routine, full of hope, anxious to squash the nagging thought that they have just spent a lot of dollars on something they are not sure will change their skin. Weeks go by, and still very little satisfaction; back to the internet they go!
They need to find a way to reconcile the money they have spent and the need to do something to improve their skin! When they finally come into a clinic for a complete skin assessment, they are nervous that they will be sold. This is when you need to shine because nothing will resolve fears more than talking to someone who understands and knows their stuff.
Do you have an online consultation form?
This simple tool is the first step in delivering a professional skin consultation and sets the scene.
Beginning the consultation starts way before the client enters the clinic. It starts with the initial inquiry, whether someone calls or walks into the clinic to make an appointment with you. Explain that the first treatment is a thorough skin assessment or consultation and that you will email a consultation form to them. Please fill it out. Ensure that you tell them the importance of this step, as it will give you more time to spend with them when they come for their face-to-face consultation treatment.
Online consultation forms allow you to get to know your client before they come into the clinic. You will understand their medical history, medications, supplements, lifestyle, and skin type, and importantly know what changes they want to make with their skin.
All of these questions are and should be on the emailed form.
Once they have filled out the form or forms, you must read it before they visit the clinic. This process takes approximately 10 minutes and allows you to highlight any red flags. It is also an opportunity to research any illnesses, medications, or supplements they might have listed. Call the client to ask questions about any standouts you need clarification on so that you are more than prepared when they visit the clinic. You already know them, and the first uneasy hurdle of going through the consultation form is completed. Now they know they are in safe hands, and you know what you are doing, and they know you are amazing!
The day has come. It is their appointment day with you! Please read over the consultation again in the morning, so you are refreshed with their information. You are ready. They walk into an environment that is professional, and you know who they are, AMAZING!
They have 30 minutes left of the consultation. You have already spent 10-15 minutes prepping for them. For the next 30 minutes, nothing else matters except them, and they are your complete focus. Do not get distracted by that. Take them to your consult area, where there are two comfortable chairs, and you are sitting opposite each other. No barriers! Please make sure they are comfortable, and have a glass of water or herbal tea on a side table for them.
Ask them how they are feeling. Is there anything else I can get you before we start our conversation all about YOU. For the next 15-20 minutes talk with them about their skin, all the questions you know what to ask. How long have you had the condition? Was there anything that happened when you…….
I will be talking further about the conversations you have with them in future articles.
Following on from the conversation, you need to take photos. These can be done on a scanning device, your camera system, or whatever you use to record images. So important to know where you have come from as you work through their skin journey.
Always ensure you have the same background. If I am taking photos other than a scanning device, I have a black blind on a wall that I pull down, and I use a black scarf to remove any reflection from the skin or their clothes.
Remember, a comprehensive skin consultation/assessment is a treatment that will enable you to gain a deeper understanding of the client’s skin. You will be able to recommend skincare that is both safe and effective and put them on a treatment plan/skin journey that will work. RESULTS, RESULTS all around.
This is where you showcase your knowledge to your client, and this is where they realise, they are in a professional clinic.
The feeling of inspired trust and confidence is such a good feeling. They have found a skincare expert who will guide them to loving their skin.